New Microexperience: Trivia Quiz

The Wyng drag-and-drop template library now includes a new marketer (and customer!) favorite – the Trivia Quiz.

Trivia quizzes invite consumers to take quizzes to gain a deeper understanding of interests and preferences. You’ve likely taken one yourself in the past – from a simple Buzzfeed “Test your Harry Potter knowledge” article to a prompt on a fashion retailer’s site asking you to engage in a brand trivia quiz for a chance to win prizes. These quizzes are fun and engaging for customers, and can also help businesses increase site visitors, get more email opt-ins, and drive brand affinity.

How it Works

This template is built using the Wyng Questions component. The Questions component makes it easy to set-up and understand the user flow of quizzes, and includes a visual builder to see questions, answers, and results.

Questions Component

You can configure questions with different answers types and time limits.

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Mix in facts to increase engagement and educate your audience.

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Include an optional form to grow your email opt-ins.

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Provide customized results and enable customers to instantly share their results on social

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Trivia Quiz Inspiration

There are tons of examples out there, but here are some of our favorite personality quizzes powered by Wyng:

Paper and Packaging Board Brain TREEsers Quiz (link):

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Essie (un)Guilty Pleasures Quiz (used as part of a launch for their new line of nail polishes):

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Ready to Get Started?

Existing Wyng users should check out Wyng’s Trivia Quiz Overview in our Help Center. Or, if you are new to Wyng – start your free trial today! Get started with a trivia quiz, and then check out our templates for sweepstakes, gamified experiences, UGC, and more!

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